Thursday, June 28, 2012


Insurance - a special kind of economic relations, designed to provide insurance protection for people and their affairs from various dangers.

Insurance (insurance) in the widest sense - includes various types of insurance (actually insurance, or primary insurance, reinsurance, coinsurance), which together provide insurance protection.

Insurance in the narrow sense of a relationship (between the insured and the insurer) to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities (insurers) upon the occurrence of certain events (insurance claims) at the expense of funds (hedge funds) that are generated from premiums paid by them (the insurance premium .)

The relationship between the insurer and the insured, determining exactly how the insurance fund will be formed and how it is spent, is a method of creating insurance products. In the process of historical development was worked out three methods for the creation of insurance products - self-insurance, mutual insurance, commercial strahovanie.Soderzhanie [remove]
An economic nature, functions and principles of insurance
2 Organization of Insurance
2.1 Principles of Insurance in the Russian Federation
2.2 Organizational and legal form of insurance companies
2.3 Measures of state regulation of insurance activities
2.4 Regulation and Supervision
2.4.1 Russia
3 Classes of insurance
3.1 Types of insurance
3.2 Forms of Insurance
3.2.1 Compulsory
3.2.2 Voluntary Insurance
4 Legal basis of insurance relations
4.1 I step - General Civil Law
4.2 II stage - Special legislation on insurance business
4.3 III stage - other regulations
5 Economic and financial basis of insurance
6 History of insurance
7 The global insurance market
8 Notes
9 References
10 See also
11 Links